Friday, March 29

10E2145: Deere - Antler Helmet

In the 70s until early 80s John Deere created and sold a line of snowmobiles, (and sold branded winter apparel). Also sold helmets - not sure of provenance of those. Anyway, their slogan "Nothing Runs Like a Deere" came out of that time of snowmobiling.

This antler helmet was one of a handful of designs they sold and is pretty bonkers. Others were green or yellow, or green and yellow... or black w/ a sort of rainbow stripe - some full face, but most 3/4 as here. I have never been able to track down much about who designed the graphic here - the pics from ebay. These pop up now and again. Lots more at Enjoy.

In homage to that old helmet, a few years ago I had the above knit made by a lady out in Deere country. One-off. #vault