Dry turkey is not ok. That is why gravy was invented.
Drinking 'dry' IS ok.
This year's distanced Thanksgiving dinners will allow less social pressure for some, and this goes out to the sober-curious readers. I am with you here - 4 years no beers. You want to talk about it - drop me a line. IMHO ginger is a key ingredient for catch'yer'throat acidity, and these 3 options all deliver w/o the sweetness.
TÖST: sparkling
non-alcoholic white tea, white cranberry, and ginger. Drink out of a coup and tickle your nose. V v tasty. Might as well get the big bottles.
Vermont Village: apple cider vinegar/honey/ginger (it is not 'sweet' - it kicks - try a shot of it...) and any sparkling water (young at heart will enjoy the Liquid Death experience). Add ice in a big glass - bingo.
Swizzle: (carbonated switchel; organic 100% Grade A maple syrup, organic raw apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger root and water), from Up Mountain Switchel.