Wednesday, November 25

10E2664: 'Dry' can be ok at Thanksgiving

Dry turkey is not ok.  That is why gravy was invented.

Drinking 'dry' IS ok. 

This year's distanced Thanksgiving dinners will allow less social pressure for some, and this goes out to the sober-curious readers.  I am with you here - 4 years no beers.  You want to talk about it - drop me a line.  IMHO ginger is a key ingredient for catch'yer'throat acidity, and these 3 options all deliver w/o the sweetness.

TÖST: sparkling non-alcoholic white tea, white cranberry, and ginger. Drink out of a coup and tickle your nose. V v tasty. Might as well get the big bottles.

Vermont Village: apple cider vinegar/honey/ginger (it is not 'sweet' - it kicks - try a shot of it...) and any sparkling water (young at heart will enjoy the Liquid Death experience). Add ice in a big glass - bingo.

Swizzle: (carbonated switchel; organic 100% Grade A maple syrup, organic raw apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger root and water), from Up Mountain Switchel.

Monday, November 23

10E2663: An hour with Pépin and Bourdain

5 years ago almost to the day... Anthony Bourdain interviews Jaques Pépin for the cultural juggernaut 92ndStY.  I never saw this till now ... give yourself an hour.  Pépin's memoir The Apprentice is all the rustic, old world hotel kitchen you can ask for - then the coming to America story at the birth (creating it even) of the tv/celebrity chef.  'Tony and Jacques talk about all that and more.

Monday, November 16

10E2662: Space Whiskey | Max Fist

 Archenemy looks (to paraphrase one of the characters) insane...

Introducing the supertramp Max Fist [name-of-the-year -ed.], this is the latest film from the producers of (pretty disturbing tbh) Mandy and The Color of Space (both available through Hoopla right now through your local library so have yourself a v twisted Nic Cage mini-festival) - those 2 not for the faint of heart...

But back to Max Fist... watch


Going to tie this in with something else later, but Max Fist played by Joe Manganiello who along with being a huge D&D proponent is brand ambassador for something called Liquid Death... that is water, in a can...

Using all the tricks of energy drinks and heavy metal advertising they can think of...  (ok the owners of Liquid Death have also made a few unreconstructed comments about it being the antithesis of Whole Foods yoga mom water (Fiji)...)  but at the very least one can say an aluminum delivery system (cans) beats single use plastic any day of the week. #deathtoplastic  And unless you are absolutely poe-faced their site amuses as it follows the PR to the conclusion... murdered out merch etc.

Does is taste like - water - you say??  The sparkling is smaller bubbled than Poler and others - and softer and a little minerally on the tongue (I am not kidding...).  Highly recommend.  If you are even considering a No-alcy-November, or something to make the kids feel tough (drinks for a movie night etc...) this is a great tool to have.


Monday, November 2

10E2661: Archive - overused term?


With the explosion of digital-born materials has come the use/overuse of 'archive' as a verb and a noun. 

With it also an increase in opportunity in the field of information management (including image management). That is great news for library students if they have been reading the writing on the wall.  
That's it... that's the whole post...