Tuesday, July 10

10E1995: Whole Larder Love - the book

Have been waiting for this book to drop for a while and whipping through the preview/galley brings a huge smile. If you have been following Rohan Anderson's blog WholeLarderLove  (which captures the ingredients, the gear, the rural surroundings, and finished dishes perfect for foodies, farmers, hunters, gardeners, even urbanites looking to inject their lives with a little rural romance - to paraphrase the official blurb) you will recognize the tone of the writing but also be surprised and delighted that almost all of the photos are new to the print publication. Have a few quotes and images below courtesy of the publisher powerHouse Books

"It’s not an all-or-nothing approach. I’m far from perfect when it comes to food. Living completely ethically involves living in a cave, cold, and no doubt rather naked. Not my cup of tea really. But to be able to make some changes in our lives that can have a positive impact on the health of ourselves and our environment is a good thing."

"Pesto of Parsley: There seems to be some debate about whether flat leaf parsley is better than curly. Seriously? It’s bloody parsley-stop being so damn precious! It tastes great, it’s good for you, why would you not want to grow it? Either variety. When you have plenty growing, make a few batches of this pesto. Eat some fresh with pasta, use as a dip, or as a spread with meat. It’s pretty versatile."  

The page on chili-oil stopped me in my tracks. Genius. Not sure why I'd not done this before. Will now though. A few pages of "gear" scattered around to geek out on, and subtle peeks of tartan linings and brown duck canvas. Our friend Christine Mitchell has a fantastic game/fish/veg illustration inside the front cover but I'll leave that a surprise...

One more nugget. Rohan intends on travelling to the US to promote the book in late October (?) so watch  this space for news on that. A certain Somerville library might be holding an author reading...