Friday, May 31

10E2179: One Morning In Maine

One Morning In Maine from McCloskey is another of his Maine located stories (as Blueberries for Sal and Burt Dow, which is awesome btw). OMIM is a day in the life of young Sal as she looses her first tooth, and travels around town (garage, ice cream at the store), chatting with dad and the various wildlife she encounters... The drawings by the author of the rocky coast, father's sidelong glances and various characters involved will be familiar to many readers.

One of my favorite gifts for any visitor, but especially parents with wee girls, is to give a copy of this book and a can of clam chowder - to make together at the end. #fathersday #stealthisidea

Thursday, May 30

10E2178: D.R. Harris x Harris Tweed

The pharmacy of D. R. Harris was founded in 1790 and has been operating in the St. James's area of London ever since. They hold two Royal Warrants and stock a massive array of old-timey toiletries; bone handled toothbrushes etc. New is a washbag/dopp kit made of Harris Tweed woven on the Isle of Lewis - by a friend of a friend sort of.  Price point between ouch and boiiing. The pharmacy and tweed have no relation...

Tuesday, May 28

10E2177: Update from Vermont

Great weather for ducks in Vermont last weekend, but at least it didn't snow. Oh yes it did...

"It's barely raining" I am informed by the kid out by the pond since 5:30am in his pajamas... The big deal is to make paper boats and float them till you peg them with rocks.

Paid a visit to an older gent's house. Great display of vernacular farmhouse style.

What? You don't have a batphone? These lucite ice buckets were standard issue to all mountain/valley cocktail-party-goers in the '70s... Good stuff.

Drove home through Peru past the old general store. It's sad days almost over I hope... will be rebuilt this summer by new owners (a local lady - grade school classmate of mine!) - can't wait to see what happens. Believe it will have a small gallery space, and big pizza oven, and enough groceries to cook dinner with - as well as some kind of bakery. You can follow the prep and reconstruction via twitter @juliettebritton. Check the picture below of the empty insides.

The store used to hold the post office in town too. Horses were stabled outside back then, before gasoline pumps were put in - then taken out again about 20 years ago.

Jar of syrup arrived from another nearby friend. Linocut label by town artist David Utiger.

The rain stopped for a while but it seemed to be snowing across on Stratton. Green mountains. Yes sir.

Friday, May 24

10E2176: Chandon Nautical Brut

Used to work room service at a big hotel in Vail. You know the one. Returning guests would get a fruit plate and a pony bottle of Chandon on arrival. The more tony guests never touched the bottles... By mid winter we had every laundry cupboard and bolthole in the kitchen stocked with those things. Goes great with pizza while waiting for the bus back to the Raquet Club. Tough life. 

This summer Chandon releasing an "All-American Summer" wrap for its 750ml and 187ml Brut Classic bottles. Would seem more French/Nautical than American inspired but still, looks natty. Throw a little rope graphic on there... got me. No price change. Further reading via The Dieline

Since we're talking - how do you feel about the champagne coupe?

Thursday, May 23

10E2175: Somerville Garden Club Tour | June 9

The Somerville (MA) Garden Club was founded in 1994 by a group of residents to promote home gardening as well as the horticultural possibilities of Somerville’s public spaces. Their garden tour is coming up and I asked their publicist Lisa Dezmelyk is thre were any edibles on the tour - as an accompaniment to recent posts on Euell Gibbons and Rohan Anderson. Big YES was the answer.

SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 | 11:00 AM-4:00 PM | RAIN OR SHINE

From the Somerville Garden Club:
"Our 2013 tour showcases the gardens of our very own Somerville Garden Club members and celebrates the many kinds of gardeners who create backyard (and front yard!) havens for their own pleasure and the enjoyment of neighbors and friends. The gardeners themselves will be welcoming visitors to their yards on tour day, so this is your chance to learn about plants, design, and horticulture from this wonderful array of passionate SGC members. Prepare to be inspired and educated, and don’t be surprised if you go away eager to create your own urban haven."
The $15 maps go on sale beginning this Friday, May 24, available Pemberton Garden Center, 2225 Mass. Ave., Cambridge , Porter Square Books, 25 White Street (Porter Square Shopping Center), Cambridge, and True Grounds Café and Coffeehouse, 717 Broadway, Ball Square, Somerville

For more info head to 

Tuesday, May 21

10E2174: HBARC | Deadstock | eBay | Wow

Terrible - the only company history of HBARC that I can easily find online is as below, and recycled across the net;
"H Bar C has its roots in a company formed in 1917 by two tailors, Halpern and Christenfeld, as a maker of riding clothing. In 1935 a western branch was open to make and market Western riding clothes. This business was renamed H Bar C, to give it a Western flair. H Bar C made clothes for the movies, and they also marketed their clothes for the growing Western wear market. The H Bar C logo on the sign was trademarked in 1941, and has been used in various versions since that time." - via Vintage Fashion Guild 
The eBay seller Recluse Vintage has a megaton of these for sale right now for around $35 each. NOS. So good. What...? You were going to spend $45 on a fakery western shirt from GreatLakesCalifornia#1BaseballChampion? Also make sure to check these silver gelatin display cards over at HermosaVintage - wow.

Last year I bantered with my neighbor Guiseppe of An Affordable Wardrobe, about the advisability of  western shirts; huge fan here at 10E.

Monday, May 20

10E2173: Shakey Graves

Total find. I'm late to the party no doubt. This guy being from Austin, you'd think w/ music scene he'd been pumped up everywhere, but he doesn't have a record out barely; first album Roll The Bones. He was at SXSW this year and picked by many outlets as one to watch -  but I'm out of that scene I guess... #latetotheparty Love his one-man-band approach and relaxed style in these barn clips recorded in Lubbock, TX (more here).

You might have guessed that Shakey Graves ain't his real name... the story is as below. He'll be at Pickathon in Portland, OR - that's early August.

Friday, May 17

10E2172: Rohan "Whole Larder Love" Anderson | Somerville, June 17

Readers, this is it. This is the big one... I am excited to announce author Rohan Anderson of Whole Larder Love coming to visit Somerville. For those just joining - Rohan tries to grow, hunt, fish and forage in wild and urban surrounds to feed his family. He also documents his adventures  through photography, sharing his recipes, slow food philosophies and views on his hugely popular blog Whole Larder Love. Describing himself not as a chef, but rather a family cook, Anderson is influenced by rustic, peasant-style cooking, with minimal fuss involved. He will be speaking (and some kind of cooking demo - nettle pesto?) on June 17th in nearby Union Square, Somerville. It is framed as a benefit for the Friends of the Somerville Public Library; grab your $15 tickets at

This is sort of two-worlds-collide for me; first as a fan of the guy's cookery (see 10engines), but also as a chance to bring an exciting, educational event to the area under the banner of the Friends of the Library with which I am heavily involved. We were also very lucky to have attracted the support of Barbour (yes the British waxed jacket people) to pay the fixed costs, and they will be on hand with a display of 2013 gear, a clothing wax demo and more for the attendees...

This didn't happen in vacuum - I have been v lucky to organize this with the help of Fringe in Union Square (site of the event). 

As well as admission - check the link for other rewards; e.g. our friend Christine N'East Style Mitchell drew the flysheet for Rohan's first book and is working with Mike Dacey of Repeat Press and are letterpressing an enlarged version - or get a badge - or a copy of the book signed by Ro on the night - or 6 of you take him out for tea and biscuits and swap recipes ($250). Have a look. June 17. See you there.

P.S. If you live in southern VT you can also catch Rohan at Misty Valley Books in Chester,VT on June 15. This is the end of his US tour that stops in San Fran, Portland OR, NYC, San Antonio Texas I believe... and more. Check for more info.

10E2171: Euell Gibbons

File this under late to the party: I had not heard of Euell Gibbons atall until talking to someone about forager-with-a-blog Rohan Anderson. I missed a post last year from the great Wildwood, and one from Cold Splinters or else I would have been better informed.

Euell became an authority on living off the land (not in a survivalist sense, more nature lover and philosopher), by foraging and collecting stems, tubors, nuts, sap, leaves and berries that can be eaten. Have just started reading his breakthrough book Stalking The Wild Asparagus.  Unlike the Nearings of Good Life fame Gibbons does not insist on eating everything raw - bounty may be cooked or jellied or fried and prepared in various ways.
“We live in a vastly complex society which has been able to provide us with a multitude of material things, and this is good, but people are beginning to suspect we have paid a high spiritual price for our plenty.” -- Euell Gibbons
His Stalking books (Stalking the Blue-Eyed Scallop, Stalking the Healthful Herbs, Stalking the Good Life) were all published after he was already 50 years of age, but he became just as well known for his later Grape Nuts cereal ads as his writing. "Tastes like wild chicory!" "Did you know you can eat a pine cone!".

There used to be a drawing on the old Grape Nuts boxes about how they were made. How overcooked bread was ground up in a coffee grinder, especially in the American West to make "cereal" - Anyone have that image?

Thursday, May 16

10E2170: Stockbridge | Edinburgh

The neighborhood of Stockbridge in Edinburgh, Scotland is a northern extension north of what is termed The New Town - that is an architectural solution to new housing, build on a grid, away from Edinburgh Castle and its winding streets and squalid conditions which was henceforth know as the Old Town.

Anyhow, Stockbridge is a mix of the New Town's Georgian architecture, parks (including the Royal Botanical Garden) and a very cool solution to artisan (builders...) housing called The Colonies. These were built as row houses but their stone simplicity and encapsulated-village quality have made them highly tradeable. Stocky full of little shops and restos now.

Anyhow, we used to live in the shadow of St Vincent's St Stephen's church on St. Vincent Street, as seen in screengrab above (all from this video created by Gregor Schmatz). #desktopvacation

[Update - corrections thx to reader Ryan. Hope no one got lost due to the earlier errors...]

Tuesday, May 14

10E2169: Shopping From The Archives - Orvis 80s

W.B. is a local gent, keen outdoors-man and dear friend of the family.  I remember a boating trip where he drove us back in his 2 seater pickup... no room upfront for my brother though so he had to bungee himself to a lawnchair in the bed of the truck. It downpoured for an hour... Anyhow, during the 1980s W.B. was enlisted by Orvis (headquartered in the same town, Manchester VT) as a model. A bunch of local folk were at that time.

I have mentioned him many times before on 10E and here. His daughter was cleaning out the garage last month and found a pile of old clippings and was good enough to share them. Thx V.

2/3 gingham with white buttons and stitching... would wear this in a second. #jawsdeletedscene

Must have been in his contract to wear a turtleneck with every flannel shirt... Or maybe because they were shooting Fall in Spring so needed to keep warm...

W.B. has his own blend of tobacco at a local store. #nojoke #legend

Shotgun belt FTW. Still a great deal - bridle leather, made in USA $69 at Orvis.
Then there was the time that in his surveying work he had to get a read on a far mountain peak -
so he hiked one and hired a college kid to drag a hallway mirror up another peak to bounce the laser.

Ironically for a catalog model, W.B. is an inveterate thrift store shopper. Rarely buys anything new. Known to buy back his own donated shirts - of course! Complete gem of a guy. Famous for his southern hospitality and "dividend" pours. 10engines salutes you!

Monday, May 13

10E2168: The Half-Life of Khakis

Bruv has a great theory about the "half life" of khakis. They might start out suitable for a summer wedding, then get relegated to the office in the fall, then to yard work once you spill one too many coffees, then finally next summer you cut 'em off at the knees - literally. This year instead of rocking treasure island shorts I paid cold hard cash to have them hemmed. Great job. Topper, the man fixed the wallet-ripped-backpocket with some of the extra fabric. Bingo. New life! #feelthebreeze

Thursday, May 9

10E2167: Johnny Cupcakes at SPL - 2 TX Giveaway

Here is a chance to win 2 tickets to tomorrow’s sold-out Johnny Cupcakes lecture at the Somerville Library (May 10, 4pm, 79 Highland Ave) - follow The Friends of the Somerville Library on twitter @Friends_SPL and RT the details to enter. Winner announced at 5pm.

Wednesday, May 8

10E2166: Katin Watermen Trunks

"Founded in 1959, Katin Surf Shop is one of America’s oldest surf shops. Walt and Nancy Katin sold their signature surfwear to local surfers through Katin Surf Shop, and a small network of other stores. Following Walt's passing, Nancy Katin continued to run the store and founded the Katin Pro/Am Team Challenge in 1976."
This may be 2009 in blog years, but rediscovered Katin shorts recently and bought a pair. Sharkskin grey "watermen" - entry level. Straight through the waist and hips, slim so no "grabbing", and hits just above the knee. No liner. Sewn in the Good Old US of... Great stuff. Heavy duty, quick drying nylon - "the same as it has always been."

Update: just contacted with news that Club Monaco worked with Katin to create a whole made in USA summer line. Available online and at 12 Club Monaco locations throughout the US and Canada. Boston?  There is a Prudential Center location.