The "light, bouncy, happy" sound was meant to be shorthand for clear eyed American-ness, and has perhaps become a cliched cue in soundtracks... The modern, minimalist ballet by Graham strips it back a bit; good one to check off your list.
Friday, September 30
aaron copland -appalachian spring
The music was commissioned by Martha Graham, and was still only known as The Ballet For Martha apparently until the day before the premier. The majority of the ballet was composed while Copland was in California and Mexico, with final touches added after he returned to Cambridge, Massachusetts to teach at Harvard University. Completed in 1944, its first performance was October 30, 1944, at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C [thx wiki -ed.]
The "light, bouncy, happy" sound was meant to be shorthand for clear eyed American-ness, and has perhaps become a cliched cue in soundtracks... The modern, minimalist ballet by Graham strips it back a bit; good one to check off your list.
The "light, bouncy, happy" sound was meant to be shorthand for clear eyed American-ness, and has perhaps become a cliched cue in soundtracks... The modern, minimalist ballet by Graham strips it back a bit; good one to check off your list.
Thursday, September 29
interview with rohan anderson (whole larder love guy)
Great interview here with "Ro" the writer and photographer of Whole Larder Love. Somehow I didn't realise just how enthusiastic he was about the front end business of simply growing the vegetables. He is working on a book that will compliment and probably eclipse his blog, but after seeing this I think a cookery show should be the next step... I'm giving these ideas away for free here!
Hat tip to Ryan of ForestGlenRoad for finding this.
Wednesday, September 28
knitted caps -samantha colley

I don't look good in knitted hats, but I bet you do. Repeating myself here, but not sure why one would buy a stocking cap from a faceless megacorp when for about the same money you can find a friend/etsytype who will craft something for you. The knitter here is Samantha Colley. Sizes for adults or kids. Killer cabling. Loving the striped job, just begging for some matte grey goggles and a sled...
Tuesday, September 27
han kjøbenhavn
You know that dream you have about how you and your pals will still be cool when you're old? Danish brand HAN KJØBENHAVN took it and blew it out of the water. Great vid. Which one are you?
johnson woolen mills -new website

I recently picked up a handful of their printed catalogs at the Vermont Welcome Center on RT.91 near Brattleboro and there are even more options in there... probably wise just to call them direct if you have questions.
get jeezum crow stickers via yobeat -right now
Monday, September 26
"made right here" -via allplaidout

The show is called Made Right Here. It's our desire to not only show how it's made, not only where it's made, but to also show the people who make it. We want to tell their stories... These people are craftspeople who've dedicated their lives to mastering a skill, a skill that is really tough to do.
-via AllPlaidOut
Over the years there have been a few "made in the USA" type shows so I asked Max point blank, so what makes yours different? His reply:
"We are interested in drawing out the story of the maker and in learning how to make it ourselves. I want to learn more about Nestor at I+W or the woman at L.L. Bean who shucks the barnacled rubbers.Completely. I was sold at barnacled rubbers... Has to be said the back and forth between talkative Max and quiet man Joe is part of the draw too. Watch the pilot teaser here.
We want to show that these people exist. Give them a platform to talk about what they love -- at work and away from work. My favorite quote from Pointer was when I commented on a woman's Victorinox watch, she replied, "Smoking paid for that watch." as in Marlboro.
Those kinds of stories, struggle and triumphs of America's workers, that's what I'm interested in. The why behind the creation of product in a place where it's really expensive to get stuff made. Make sense?"
Friday, September 23
orvis -new website
basement jaxx vs metropole orkest
This should be the new Bond soundtrack... A few months ago Atlantic Jaxx Recordings & Basement Jaxx announced the release of an orchestral project in collaboration with the Netherlands’ Metropole Orkest and renowned London conductor and arranger, Jules Buckley.
Produced, orchestrated and arranged by Jules and Basement Jaxx’s Felix Buxton, the project features a full orchestra and a twenty piece choir as well as many of the singers from the Jaxx’s live shows, performing contemporary orchestral versions of the legendary Basement Jaxx back catalogue.
burton -cord 'pointer' pants

Thursday, September 22
n'eaststyle's peru fair look

Asked family friend and JeezumCrow artist N'EastStyle to svpply a look for the Peru Fair. Good stuff. her words below.
I highly recommend to all those within driving distance of Vermont to make the hike to Peru. It's an amazing pocket of Vermont and the fair is tons of fun, for young and old alike. I plan on living vicariously through James' photo coverage of the fair, and looking forward to returning home for it next fall.
Handkerchief. Vest. Shirt. Pants. Shoes. Bag. Belt. Thermos.
oliver spencer -spring summer 2012

"[British label] Oliver Spencer's SS12 is a collection inspired by French mod... Footwear, such as capped-toe oxfords, offers classics shorn of their daintiness: shoes you can kick in... Much of the collection is made in the UK, many items in London."The guy on the left reminds me of Zorg/Jean-Hugues Anglade (à la Betty Blue) so the French mod thing def came through. I don't get too fashiony on 10e generally but easy to like the above... More/other looks at OliverSpencer.
Wednesday, September 21
over at secret forts -fall 3

James W. of Secret Forts is running his Fall 3 campaign again this year; where he asks some usual suspects what they are looking forward to for the coming months. I'm punching a little above my weight in this crowd, but have a look here.
Housekeeping; if you have been following Secret Forts but haven't looked in a while, note he went full-bore domain name; now at
Monday, September 19
that peru fair 2011 look
This Saturday (September 24th) there is a pig roast/craft fair in Peru, Vermont. It began as a townwide "end of the world" tag sale and has become a respectably sized town fair. A rinky-dink parade, hay rides and some inventive food (quail kebabs? hell yeah). As foliage is just starting it is important to keep publicly confirming that Vermont is open for business. Seriously this pig roast is one of the high points of the calendar for me... 3 pigs roasted on spits. Roast corn too if you want. #jeezumcrow Further info at

eBay chambray shirt and no-name blanket lined jacket via OldBoy.
No nonsense belt via Archival Clothing.
Duluth Pack bag via Kaufmann Mercantile.
Whipcord pants from Filson.
LLBean moc duck shoes, cause the weather might get a little mixed...
Pops installed a lamp-post and light out by the pond... only missing one thing. Starr-X opener.
You can read my report from last year here.
eBay chambray shirt and no-name blanket lined jacket via OldBoy.
No nonsense belt via Archival Clothing.
Duluth Pack bag via Kaufmann Mercantile.
Whipcord pants from Filson.
LLBean moc duck shoes, cause the weather might get a little mixed...
Pops installed a lamp-post and light out by the pond... only missing one thing. Starr-X opener.
You can read my report from last year here.
Friday, September 16
jeezum crow -the Vermont Food Bank still needs help
Like similar oaths (jimminy crickets etc), jeezum crow is a thinly veiled blasphemy. Highly regional, almost confined to New England, and according to the Dictionary of Regional English (DARE) it likely sprung from Vermont and upstate New York vernacular speech.

Tropical Storm Irene "fatigue" may have subdued coverage in the general media, but there are still needs to be met in Vermont. Ms. Mitchell of N'Eaststyle and I dreamed up this sticker a few months back for its woodsy-vibe (honestly as just a truck/skate/snowboard decal) but have re-purposed it to support the ongoing efforts of the Vermont Food Bank who have been stretched, and tested following Irene.
These are available from Ball and Buck in Boston's North End. Or stop me on the street... or at the Peru Fair. $1 donation. All proceeds go to @vermontfoodbank
Feel free to donate directly to VTFoodBank or whomever you prefer in another way. Further reading at VTResponse.

Tropical Storm Irene "fatigue" may have subdued coverage in the general media, but there are still needs to be met in Vermont. Ms. Mitchell of N'Eaststyle and I dreamed up this sticker a few months back for its woodsy-vibe (honestly as just a truck/skate/snowboard decal) but have re-purposed it to support the ongoing efforts of the Vermont Food Bank who have been stretched, and tested following Irene.
These are available from Ball and Buck in Boston's North End. Or stop me on the street... or at the Peru Fair. $1 donation. All proceeds go to @vermontfoodbank
Feel free to donate directly to VTFoodBank or whomever you prefer in another way. Further reading at VTResponse.
Thursday, September 15
twe12ve -absinthe films
Twe12ve, from Absinthe Films (Props to these guys who actually use real film sometimes. The cost is like standing on your rented yacht and ripping up $50 bills). Great mix of inventive urban and bigger jumps/mountains. Trailer features practically zero lifestyle shots, nice change right. Think I even saw a slow backside 180... Found via YoBeat. Further reading about the filming at ESPNActionSports
Wednesday, September 14
kitchen tools -beyond the basics

Chuck some slices over a salad or into your omlette. Or just lemon and cracked black pepper. Bosh.
Tuesday, September 13
10engines over at kaufmann mercantile -show card/sign writing

Another sidenote; if you live in the UK you will know these types of signs below from High Street "arcades". Eye-watering. Fugly as hell. Awesome. From theonlyone's flickr.

Saturday, September 10
Friday, September 9
best made company

You knew Best Made Co. have been organizing all kinds of axes etc. They have a whole shop of other stuff too. Pretty neat.
Wednesday, September 7
the logger -deer jackin'

The [Game] Warden caught me dead to roights...More at The Logger.
At noight.
Usin a loight.
Shootin 'cross the road
Restin it on the hood... out of season.
capita -nas

I dont know these guys, nor have I ridden the boards, but really like their fk'n style. The copy is insane. Not sure how snowboards companies got the green light on dreaming up such loppy names for the new tech but I'm a massive fan, and Capita is riddled with trademarked "technology" (Death Grip™, GET HUGE™, Full Circle Technology™ etc.) So good. The responsibly manufactured Green Machine board is made using hippie blood... #classic The board they have recreated and tweeked for over 10 years basically features a black topsheet and a skull. #minimal Then they get silly with glow in the dark inks for nighttime evil. You would too if you could do whatever you wanted right? Defenders of Awesome indeed.Are you sick of your snowboard having more gimmicks than a late night infomercial?
Are you confused by the 80 different camber types in the market this year, and wonder why the “top companies” market completely contradictory design philosophies?
Do you think it’s silly when people say things like “camber is obsolete” and remember a time when a Normal Ass Snowboard [NAS -ed.] was all you needed to shred your face off?
old / new sign

Foodmaster got a new sign a few weeks ago. Liked the older one better but what can you do.
And this place on route 2... think it was a nursery or farm stand of some kind. Helveti-tastic.

Saturday, September 3
the historic shops & restaurants of boston

You can read most of The Historic Shops & Restaurants of Boston via googlebooks. Snapshots of some 10e faves below.

Friday, September 2
ttsp posters -by paul smith

Paul Smith has designed 4 posters for the upcoming adaptation of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. "Smith collaborated with film's director, Tomas Alfredson, in the early development stages of the movie, offering his insights on 1970s London. He advised on the mood, colour and photographic approach to take." Limited edition natch'. Profits go to Maggie's Centers. See them all at Design Review.
a can of beans -interviews at b&m in portland, me

The filmmaker is Gabriella Kessler, a French-American documentarian. A Can of Beans (2003) is a "glimpse inside the B&M [Burnham & Morrill Co. -ed.] baked bean factory in Portland, Maine... As the production of food becomes increasingly global and mechanized, how long can a small, local Maine company survive?"
Video is part factory tour and part social snapshot. It reveals conundrum of the north east; as people from "here" move out and from "away" move in, prices go up, tourism becomes more crucial, reliance on tourism drives up prices for the natives, repeat. The B&M workers may not have the answers themselves but worth watching. Also, I love baked beans... mmmm. If B&M would maybe not use HFCS I could categorically cosign here.
Thursday, September 1
decoys for decor

You can find them all over but the cork bodied ones from LLBean look and feel great. If you are using these as the manufacturer intended (ie waterfowling), the compressed cork allows them to float even in rough water, but better still they are not absorbant -so won't rot. Last for years. Nice little potted history of the product below.

Duck hunting seson is next month in VT. Full details here, greatest hits above.
A lot of parephernalia associated with the all this. Good excuse to buy a decoy bag...

turn the collar

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