Monday, January 27
10E2316: When Is A Deere A Unicorn
You see these older Deere snowmobile helmets on eBay every so often - looks great with the white-piping bubble shield though... #unicorn #daftwho Also a full face version as below.
10E2315: ABC of Architects and Their Best-Known Buildings
"An alphabetical list of some of the world's leading architects with their famous creations. In making this film, architect Andrea Stinga of Ombú Architecture and graphic designer Federico González had to omit numerous entries in order to assign only one architect to each letter and include many nationalities. Despite these restrictions, they found room for the likes of César Pelli, Jørn Oberg and William Van Alen" -via The Guardian.
Like inviting the number of guests to correspond to your birthday age - inevitably someone will get left out, or feel that way. Unless you are an archi-pro you may not notice the omissions. Enjoy.
Friday, January 24
10E2314: Burns Night - January 25 - Whisky
“Inspiring bold John Barleycorn!
“O Whisky! soul o’ plays an’ pranks!
What dangers thou canst make us scorn!
Wi’ tipenny [beer], we fear nae evil;
Wi’ usquebae [water of life - whisky], we’ll face the devil!”
“O Whisky! soul o’ plays an’ pranks!
Accept a Bardie’s gratefu’ thanks!”
-Robert Burns
-Robert Burns
How does a beginner find their way around? The whisky industry does not help itself with its regional classifications, Speyside, for example, stretches from Glasgow to Wick [Almost northernmost tip - been there - couldn't understand a word-ed.], with numerous whisky styles.Burns Night, the annual celebration of the Scottish poet Robert Burns (he gave us My love is like a red red rose and many more...) offers you the chance to splash some whisky on your haggis (not kidding). This guy David Broom below created the whisky "map" above - you can find it in your better establishments. He talks about it, and whisky generally below.
[David] Broom has plotted single malts in Scotland on a grid with four co-ordinates: delicate, light, smoky, rich. The horizontal axis plots the lightness or richness and the vertical axis plots the smokiness. "There isn't a 'best malt' position on the map either – it's an unbiased plotting device," he says.
-via The Scotsman
Thursday, January 23
10E2313: Burns Night - January 25 - Haggis

January 25th marks Burns Night, the annual celebration of the Scottish poet Robert Burns - gave us Auld Lang Syne for starters. The dinner and readings follow a set pattern but eating haggis has to be the most well known part of the format. Yearly reblog coming up...
OK, run that sheep's stomach bit past me again?
There cannot be a dish so famously (and completely unfairly IMHO) reviled as haggis. It is simply a blend of sheep meat and oatmeal, spiced with cayenne pepper. Full disclosure; 'sheep meat' is a fairly loose term, as haggis does contain rather more of the sheep than you'll see on the supermarket shelves. Try a plate of this oaty sausage with 'champit tatties' (mashed potatoes) and 'bashit neeps' (mashed turnips) and you have a warming winter dinner. Add some decent gravy, requisite drink, and Robert is your mother's brother.
Most recipes call for haggis to be boiled, but do not be fooled. We have always baked it instead (and BBC Good Food backs us here).
Above, cine film made around 1969 by the Largs Cine Club. Starring Dram the Dog. Plot may be B- but scenery and music B+. Mild amusement ensues as man heads off to get haggis for the big night...
10E2312: Tom Petty - American Girl
Heartland rock... Petty's early success in the UK helped trigger his American popularity, after his first album was released to little fanfare in the States. Always a unique mix of greaser/rocker (but not "southern" rock especially), he was all modded out for his first few appearances on the Old Grey Whistle Test.
The 1977 single American Girl off his debut album did little at first, but has since entered the Petty canon and American radio soundscape. Heard it this morning in the donut shop. Good stuff.
Wednesday, January 22
10E2311: History of Forestry in Vermont: 1909-1959
Reading this report on the first 50 years of active forestry management in Vermont, and amongst a lot of numbers and committee appointee info are some great nuggets (and fantastic sans serif headings throughout);
"Many [land] owners were willing to have their forests cut selectively and the mill owners preferred to buy logs from such an operation. However the logger or jobber still insists on cutting every tree in site."
The fact was, fire was a much bigger eater of trees than the axe. "It was estimated that at the height of use Vermont railroads burned annually over 500,000 cords of firewood." As well, the railroads of the time were responsible for some of the massive forest fires. 1,000 acre fires were common leading to an appointment of town forest fire
wardens – and the creation of trails, with the Green Mountain Club, on ridges
to mountaintop lookout stations. The tower on Stratton Mountain was set up in 1913 for example.
"There must be a change in National attitude. Our industries, our land owners, our farmers, all our citizens must learn to treat our forests as a crop to be used but also to be renewed. We must learn to tend our woodlands as carefully as we tend our farms." - President Coolidge [Vermont's son], 1925.I had always wondered about which stage of growth we see in the Green Mountains - this quote illuminates that a bit;
"Of the land area of Vermont 62.5% or 3,711,100 acres arc covered with forest growth. The forest areas have been cut over several times without too much regard for the next crop. Up until the last twenty-five years chiefly softwoods were taken. Some areas were cut very lightly, if at all, until the Second World War. Beginning then everything was taken to fill our war needs.
The result today is a forest area (1) of much timber of the less desirable species, (2) of stands with an insufficient number of trues per acre, (3) with a growth rate of 1/2 to 1/3 of what it should be, (4) with a large volume of timber in the lower diameter class, and (5) with cull timber left from cutting only high quality trees."Read it all here.
See also my select annotated bibliography of logging in New England.
Tuesday, January 21
10E2310: Carhartt Ranch Jacket
Related, examples of these Carhartt lined barn coats can still be found. Late 1970s perhaps.
Friday, January 17
10E2309: Royal Coachman
The Royal Coachman. One of the most commonly used flys out there - a trout fly modified from the Coachman model by adding the red floss to the belly - securing it against energetic New England brookies.
"First designed in 1878 by John Hailey and named by L. C. Orvis, the brother of Orvis founder Charles F. Orvis." - via Orvis.
Quote below for the excellent Northern Borders by Howard Frank Mosher - lately a movie from Vermont director Jay Craven. Trying to organize a screening of it - will keep you informed. In the book, the grandmother has just double-barreled a Snowy Owl [against Federal law... -ed.] that was stealing her chickens and the grandfather just dynamited, unsuccessfully, a log jam. Great stuff.
Related - check this doc Kiss The Water about legend Megan Boyd, who tied salmon flies in Scotland - some of the most sought after in the world. Fun fact - she did not fish herself...
Quote below for the excellent Northern Borders by Howard Frank Mosher - lately a movie from Vermont director Jay Craven. Trying to organize a screening of it - will keep you informed. In the book, the grandmother has just double-barreled a Snowy Owl [against Federal law... -ed.] that was stealing her chickens and the grandfather just dynamited, unsuccessfully, a log jam. Great stuff.
My grandfather, who never fished with anything but flies, and used only one fly, a number ten red-and-white Royal Coachman, made a short, precise cast up beside the island. "What I really ought to do, Austen, is raise this so-called pond another three, four feet and flood out the whole shebang, island and oxbow and all. Back this little puddle clear up to the Idaho woods above and float that Christly jam right on out of there."
My grandfather stripped in line and cast again, He made that distinctive rasping sound in his throat. That would show them," he said.
By "them," of course, he meant my grandmother.Test drive Northern Borders here.
Related - check this doc Kiss The Water about legend Megan Boyd, who tied salmon flies in Scotland - some of the most sought after in the world. Fun fact - she did not fish herself...
Thursday, January 16
10E2308: Statriot Western American Tuxedo - Giveaway
I do like a good "western" shirt. Have been part of my uniform since the invention of eBay - it was all the fault of those Sears & Roebuck catalogs from the 1970s.
Not entirely sure if the name of Statriot Designs is a contraction of State and Patriot or maybe owner Scott has an accounting side job so thinks Stats are a Riot... In any event the latest release from our new friends in Mon-truckin-tana is this Western American Tuxedo and he is giving one away today on 10engines.
This unisex shirt (printed in Montana on American-made, American Apparel shirts, 50/50 cotton/poly - ladies size down) riffs on Nudie Cohen pearl snaps, rhinestones and all the rest. Badass eagle has your back... The images on the shoulders are of a yucca plant (left) and a Bitterroot - two examples of the plant life out west.
To win: visit the Statriot Designs site then come back here and leave a comment below with your second favorite shirt design name and size preference. Will pull a winner at 5pm EST. We have a winner - Heather via Facebook. Pick a size. #winnerwinnerchickendinner
Wednesday, January 15
10E2307: The Epic of Everest
"We expect no mercy from Everest," said George Mallory as he began his final ascent on the treacherous mountain - and he got none.

"As well as showing the film, our host Luke Turner (editor of the best music website around The Quietus) will be talking with guests Sandra Noel – daughter of the filmmaker Capt. John Noel and a major part in the film’s restoration and creation of this new print – and composer Simon Fisher Turner (The Great White Silence) whose fantastic soundtrack is a haunting combination of electronic music, found sounds, Western and Nepalese instruments and vocals.
Advance copies of the DVD will be on sale on the night for a special event price.
For more details and ticket info visit the Rough Trade website. This event is free – just get there early to guarantee a good seat."
Tuesday, January 14
10E2306: Ma and Pa Kettle
Plot centers on Pa winning a contest to create a new tobacco slogan. These days he would be called a "creative"... #workwear Guys I am wandering around the wilderness here... little help? No one told me about this till now? Good times.
Monday, January 13
10E2305: A Neckwear Primer - For Kaufmann Mercantile
Wrote some thoughts about tie-wearing for the Kaufmann Mercantile folk. Bonus point if you can name the 3 striped ties in the graphic in there. I'll leave the answer in the comments.
I had spent last Sunday creating part of this with my Somerville neighbor An Affordable Wardrobe in his cozy Davis Sq. shop as below. Thanks Guiseppe.
Friday, January 10
Tuesday, January 7
10E2303: Back of the Door
Some carpentry happening at the Fox farm. This door doesn't have long to live. Never noticed the initials marked there probably since 1990. Names of the 3 brothers. Alpha order...
Friday, January 3
10E2302: JJ Hapgood General Store - Open
photo via Happy Vermont
The circle is complete... The JJ Hapgood Store in Peru, Vermont is now open for beeswax. Started in 1827, the current incarnation is a rebuild of the previous structure utilizing salvaged beams, gorgeous Danby marble, tables milled from a felled maple on the property, and the return of the outdoor benches and the community message board. Selling groceries, housewares, free wifi, sarnies, pizza (huge hit), and beer on tap. For those just joining, I partly grew up in this small town and the store was a fixture of the community. New owner Juliette also grew up in town (a grade school friend) and with her husband Tim they have responsibly and sensitively rebooted the store and probably the town center. We were there last week and camped out a few times... #homerun Take a look...
Check the Burton board and Ski-fer on back wall...
photo via Happy Vermont
From the store's facebook, owner Juliette on opening day w/ Mr. Beattie (who raises Highland cattle across the road from us). I could basically just stop posting now... So much good here.
Whadda ya need? Bukarro gloves in the wild... done.
Next day - met up w/ old pal Skye Chalmers and kids. His better half is Mrs Bobo - she was home bottling maple syrup... true story! Nice Schnee's on that guy. And yes, the Hapgood store stocks their Bobo's Mountain Sugar.
Bobo twins and our boys. Serious seal of approval on the pepperoni pizza... Clean plate club!
LibbleD hats and bandanas. 2 standbys from the old-old store...
I don't post bathroom pictures too much... but these guys nailed it. Huge smile for the Peru panorama wallpaper.
There is a cozy gallery/lounge in the back. This pic is really an excuse to showcase the store's old stove but our neighbors Ms. and Mr. N'EastStyle got in the way.... The store also does wood fired chocolate sauce on their ice cream sundaes... "Nice touch" as another customer commented.
Thursday, January 2
10E2301: Westerlind
Slightly Scando-camping vibe from this click and mortar shop Westerlind. Some big names, some new darlings and some familiar faces... Also huge Armor-Lux selection as their sister shop is the US distributor and o-fficial US retail location of the nautical brand. Have a look-see.
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