Photo: Universal Pictures
At the Edinburgh Film Festival this past weekend, Nokia held a screening for the eight finalists of its Nokia Shorts Competition. With more than 600 entries and a $10,000 grand prize on the line, the competition produced some surprising results. Nothing was quite as impressive, however, as the film shot by winner J.W. Griffiths. His two and a half minute short entitled Splitscreen: A Love Story was shot entirely on his Nokia N8 mobile smartphone and takes viewers on a split-screen journey through two of the world’s most iconic and romantic cities. Watch for yourselves to see why Griffiths’ film took home the prize.
-via Hypebeast
...the same spacious design as our one man tent, only wide enough to accommodate 2 big people, or if you're feeling snuggly, even 2 big people and a child, or possibly even 3 smaller sized people. The variations are nearly limitless.
The tent has two doors and two vestibules for stashing gear, fully taped seams on the fly, and just one pole that snaps together and is simple and efficient to set up. The eye shaped window allows for a view of the forest canopy. It weighs about 6 lbs... -Buy at PolerStuff
As part of their design of a new 'experience space' in Shanghai for whisky brand Johnnie Walker, creative agency LOVE created a series of commemorative edition bottles, referencing the Chinese decorative style of blue and white porcelain... via CreativeReview
Things my father taught me: how to shake a martini (aged 7), milk a cow, drive a tractor, tie a bow tie, sharpen a carving knife, polish shoes, make an omelet (hell, how to build a hen house, raise chicks, pluck feathers, keep a ‘chicken bucket’ under the sink for food scraps, collect the eggs THEN make an omelet).
“Pops” or more properly, my father, Dr. Fox arrived in Boston from England in 1974 with family in tow. English born and bred, sartorially he was preppy through and through; at that time shopping at the Co-op and JPress in Harvard Square, or Brooks Bros. and Filene’s downtown. Fast forward a few years and we have moved to cocktail-culture / summer-resident ground zero; southern Vermont. Southern VT was also ground zero for aging dairy farms, aging farmers and at that time a huge need for a community medical center. Pops answered that call.
Sure he’ll drive you crazy at a museum reading every scrap of literature but he is in turn a fountain of knowledge. Insane. I have actually called him rather than Google something. I do get my appreciation of hi/low style from him though, which is really a preppy trait in a sense, use it up, fix it up and wear it out… He’ll turn up to a town meeting in his torn tweed jacket (pockets probably full of old nails or his pipe) and muddy wellingtons, plus a yellow OCBD and bowtie, probably whistling. About 5 years ago he did break a lifelong streak and get a pair of jeans, but true-to-form he has patched and re-patched that pair ever since. A cook, botanist, farmer, beekeeper and musician, but foremost a country doctor… he sets the bar pretty high. Anyway, let’s not get sappy here, onto the clothes…
Exhibit A. Young Doc. Everyone wears a cravat when they go skiing right?
No gloves, no nylon fibers either.
Exhibit B. OK, It must be said, this is a damn good picture of the old man (hey!) but 2 hip replacements and recent rotator cuff surgery have slowed him down quite a bit.
This is almost 20 years ago now, playing against southern horse traders and some Argentinean stable guys.
Council Tools say, "It is not for everyone but rather for those who seek the best." [my itals -ed.] Every component is made in USA.