Supposedly you can
make your own corn cob pipes but these simple, inexpensive cob pipes from the 19thC upstart
Hirschl & Bendheim's
Irvin S. Cobb marque (which come "Toasted and Broken In") get great play among
pipe smokers, not least for their ease of use. Of course, better not to smoke atall. These pipes played off the aura of
Irvin S. Cobb the Kentuckian humorist who it seems was actually more like a cigar smoker... Full story on this anyone??
The older and larger manufacturer of corn cob pipes is
The Missouri Meerschaum Company, located in Washington, Missouri since 1869. The shots below from Life photographer
Wallace Kirkland, seem to be from a visit there.

Finally, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Photographer:
Carl Mydans. MacArthur smoked a cob pipe made for him to precise specs by the Missouri Meerschaum Company. Dubbed the
#98M (Mac). Natural cob with a straight stem.

Love this excerpt below from
A Message to Boonville by Christopher Darlington Morley. (via
Gutenburg Project)
"What is the subtle magic of a corncob pipe? It is never as sweet or as mellow as a well-seasoned briar, and yet it has a fascination all its own. It is equally dear to those who work hard and those who loaf with intensity. When you put your nose to the blackened mouth of the hot cob its odor is quite different from that fragrance of the crusted wooden bowl. There is a faint bitterness in it, a sour, plaintive aroma. It is a pipe that seems to call aloud for the accompaniment of beer and earnest argument on factional political matters. It is also the pipe for solitary vigils of hard and concentrated work. It is the pipe that a man keeps in the drawer of his desk for savage hours of extra toil after the stenographer has powdered her nose and gone home.
A corncob pipe is a humble badge of philosophy, an evidence of tolerance and even humor. It requires patience and good cheer, for it is slow to "break in." Those who meditate bestial and brutal designs against the weak and innocent do not smoke it. Probably Hindenburg never saw one. Missouri's reputation for incredulity may be due to the corncob habit. One who is accustomed to consider an argument over a burning nest of tobacco, with the smoke fuming upward in a placid haze, will not accept any dogma too immediately.
There is a singular affinity among those who smoke corncobs. A Missouri meerschaum whose bowl is browned and whose fiber stem is frayed and stringy with biting betrays a meditative and reasonable owner. He will have pondered all aspects of life and be equally ready to denounce any of them, but without bitterness. If you see a man on a street corner smoking a cob it will be safe to ask him to watch the baby a minute while you slip around the corner. You would even be safe in asking him to lend you a five. He will be safe, too, because he won't have it.
Think, therefore, of the charm of a town where corncob pipes are the chief industry. Think of them stacked up in bright yellow piles in the warehouse. Think of the warm sun and the wholesome sweetness of broad acres that have grown into the pith of the cob. Think of the bright-eyed Missouri maidens who have turned and scooped and varnished and packed them. Think of the airy streets and wide pavements of Boonville, and the corner drug stores with their shining soda fountains and grape-juice bottles. Think of sitting out on that bluff on a warm evening, watching the broad shimmer of the river slipping down from the sunset, and smoking a serene pipe while the local flappers walk in the coolness wearing crisp, swaying gingham dresses. That's the kind of town we like to think about."
meerschaum pipes are made of the epinonimous white bone-like mineral. Usually ornately carved.]