Wednesday, July 22

seat like a razor blade

Reading Chris Hoy's bio (2008 Olympic triple-gold track racer) at the moment; Heroes, Villians and Velodromes. Considering I am not a huge bike person I have to give it a B+ as inspite of an odd writing style (lots of more on this laters) I am racing (ouch...) through it. Makes you want to get out there too, plus the boy has his scrambler now. I just junked a trash-picked mountain bike that had no brakes when it rained... and won't even pretend that a Dutch commuter would be in my future... leaning more towards a 24" bmx I have to admit.

Anyway, the above ad is a classic. Ending gets cut off in this clip though, the dad says "I were right about that seat though [being like a razor blade]"