Monday, August 25

10E2382: Brewland - Indiegogo

Our filmmaker friends for BREWLAND just released their campaign to fund the big push on their craft beer documentary. We may take it for granted in New England, (or Colorado) our access to great craft beer, but I didn't know home brewing was illegal till the late 70's, and I am not familiar with the smaller names on today's landscape, even around here.
"Our goal with BREWLAND is to tell the complete story of craft beer in the United States. We will explain the brewing process and cover the key historical moments that brought the industry to where it is today. We will tell tales about the rise of legendary brewers and the failure of others... Most important of all, we will seek to answer the question: “What is craft beer?""

Number of Breweries in the US

Initially they had filmed all over Vermont visiting some charismatic usual suspects (The Alchemist/Heady Topper, Hill Farmstead, etc), before wrangling time with Magic Hat's founder Alan Newman. Then the Boston area interviews were knocked off one by one (have a look). Then beer historians, then the net started to widen... There are some other niche beer films out there, but perhaps not with the talent (and frankly high-end gear) that RoughWater Films bring to bear on this.

Go explore the page, watch the intro clip. Cheers!   

Wednesday, August 13

10E2381: American Field 3

American Field was cooked up by Ball and Buck's Mark Bollman in 2012 as a made-in-USA celebration. It is a pop-up menswear market, a food fest and this time features music, instructional talks and demos. Will be on the waterfront this time - the venues have always been good.

More news and names to come but so far I see Aaron "Field Notes" Draplin, and the guy who made the recent American Hand shorts we featured, plus our pals from Switchel will be there, and a ton more.

I am fired up to speak at this thing too, on Sunday September 14th. Hear about (mis)use of the word "archive", plus celebrating "authentic" and "heritage" firms I have featured on 10engines - while also acknowledging the dangers of invoking those words. Sounds like a lot of me, me, me I guess... Pop a few #menswear balloons. Will save a seat for you.

This just came through the inbox too, Ball&Buck and Harpoon have created a beer - test driving it at the shop on Newbury St, the Thursday before the American Field thing (link for more info). Might as well call it a pre-party...

Tuesday, August 5

10E2380: Ursa Major Sweepstakes

Win a year's supply of Ursa Major Essential Face Wipes.

On Friday, August 15th, they are giving away 365 Essential Face Wipes to one lucky sweepstakes winner ($365 value). Plus, every weekday between now and then, doing a drawing for a 20-pack of wipes ($24 value). There are six different ways to enter, so you can choose a couple or do 'em all.
Knock yourself out.
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Monday, August 4

10E2379: Whole Larder Love - Practiculture - Camp Wandawega August 23-24

In 2 weeks Rohan Anderson will be at Camp Wandawega - about 2 hours from Chicago - with a skills building practiculture workshop. Cost is $550 for the 2 nights stay and classes and food included. If you have ever paid for a software course (looking at you Adobe Photoshop) - you could buy 2 of these Camp tickets and still have beer money. Full itinerary below. Get yours here.


The Morning Session
9am – 12pm (with tea break)
1. How to dispatch a chicken
2. Pluck skin and gut technics
3. Butchery, break down of different cuts and cooking techniques for game and home poultry
4. Cooking demo – Spanish Rabbit Slow cook – and Rabbit and Chorizo Burgers
12:30 – 2pm
Rabbit and Chorizo Burgers

The Afternoon Session
2pm – 4pm (with tea break)
1. Trout cleaning and basic filleting
3. Butterfly filleting
4. Preparing trout for cold smoking
5. Cold smoking Vs Hot smoking
6. Curing trout (Gravlax)
7. Lake visit for fly fishing casting
8. Setting yourself up for for fly fishing
Spanish Rabbit Slow cook with matched wine


The Morning Session
9am – 12pm (with tea break)
1. Make your own sourdough starter
2. Get to know your starter. Its alive. How to keep it alive.
3. How to make a no-kneed sourdough loaf.
4. How to make Farfalle, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Fettichini to Paperdelle
5. How to make a pizza dough
12:30 – 2pm
PIZZA & BEER with locally sourced ingredients
2pm – 4pm (with tea break)
1. How to cure a panchetta, roll it, rope it for dry cure
2. How to make your own Bacon
3. How to make chorizo
4. How to cure a leg of pork (Jamon/prosciutto)