Text below paraphrased from VTLiving.com.
Vermont's 251 Club was suggested first in 1954 in a Vermont Life Magazine article by commentator Arthur Wallace Peach. The 251 Club was introduced to encourage Vermonters to get to know their state. Vermont has 251 towns and the premise of the club is that members visit every one of Vermont's 251 towns and cities.
The 251 Club is still active today and meets twice a year and distributes a newsletter by snail mail to club members. (nor do they have an real website- ed. but you do get a nice window decal...)
The club is open to everyone - you do not have to be a Vermont resident to join, and operates on the honor system and does not require member to "prove" they have visited every town, but members are encouraged to take photos for documentation and entertainment purposes. (a few members have set up flickr tags or websites, e.g. redjar, vt251(this site gives you a visual of your progress), or flickr tag 251club.
You can join for seven dollars a year. For more information call 1-802-229-0253 or e-mail thevt251club@aol.com.