Have been struck by this Carhartt font for a few years (used extensively on the 1889-1989 collection), in the sense that it is so modern, whereas most of Carhartt's US marketing uses straightforward 'worky' imagery. I like it a lot, don't understand me too fast, just would love to know the full story behind it. A very helpful lady at Carhartt HQ dug up a little more on the font and "C" logo as below...
"...We began using the logo in 1967 (maybe the end of ’66) based on looking at old catalogs etc. I don’t know specifically about the design but I know that 1965 was the year we introduced the Ranch Coat and I think maybe 5 other outerwear designs around the same time. From one marketing report I know we were trying to appeal to a younger roughly college-aged male which I gather had something to do with the cooler, hipper logo. And might I add---what a great design that still is - it doesn’t look dated at all after 40 years."
Agreed. Would love to know more.

[Update: XYZ, examine your zipper]