Having a few truck/tractor mad young boys, you become a connoisseur of the kids movies. You know, the "I love trains" variety. Recently the kid was given
How a Combine is Made, a fairly indepth look at the John Deere manufacturing plant (thx grandma). A
little slow for him, but the bonus features had some classic short reels advertising the new (1965) Deere models.
Self propelled. Air conditioned. Bigger, faster, stronger etc. Anyway, some great images from the promos as various farmers interviewed (using that pretty loosely here) about the
NEW! 95! COMBINE!...

Had recently watched
King Corn so was well up on bushels per acre, combine delivery speeds, the machinations (no pun intended) of corn planting/spraying/growing. King Corn is a look at corn growing in the USA, but mellow... following and learning along w/ 2 guys as they grow an acre of commercial corn. Worth watching if you are from the coasts and have not seen a large grain/corn operation.