Pamela Wood started Salt in 1973 as a folklore & oral history course at Kennebunk High School in Maine. Students conducted interviews, took photographs, and edited the first issues of Salt magazine.
The Salt Book (available from specialty sellers, not expensive usually, ABE features a bunch now for under $20) is a compilation of some of the Salt articles. It is split into two sections; THE SEA (fishing, shrimping, rum running, sea moss harvesting, how to buid a lobster trap, and more) and THE LAND (snowshoe making, flintlocks, stone walls, barn raising, fiddleheads, maple syrup, and more). Pretty fantastic. Limited photos. B&W.

This a case where I wish googlebooks had a scan... Salt has since morphed into The Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, based in Portland, Maine. A non-profit documentary school/entity/website/building with a contemporary edge.