Wednesday, January 30

10E2111: "In The Blood" Screening + Bean Suppah

Mentioned this archival-footage/living-history documentary about a year ago on 10e and now psyched to help bring a screening of the movie to the Somerville library. Feb 9th, 2pm - event link -please join.

Creator Sumner McKane's In The Blood is ostensibly a documentary, featuring interviews with retired loggers laid over uncommon archival footage and photos of rivermen and activities in the camp. If you have seen From Stump To Ship it is that on steroids, taking every respectful advantage of technology. An hour. Trailer down below.

Upping the ante, after the movie we will serve the crowd a bean supper in the New England tradition; featuring long cooked beans w/ molasses and onions and saltpork, red hot dogs + brown bread, plus an apple cake dessert inspired by a historical camp recipe - updated by City Chicks/Homemade Modern founder Heather Schmidt. AND accompanied by live music from local picker Yani batteau. Thx everyone!

Finally some 10engines friends are supporting the effort with a raffle on the day, humbly suggest you bring $5; a loaded Ursa Major/Topo dopp kit, $100 from Timberland, box of clothing wax from Wilderness Workshop, 24oz canvas bag from Friends of the Somerville Library (sick), dvd copy of In The Blood, and a Lodge cast iron dinner "bell" (triangle) donated by BallAndBuck. [Update - Best Made Co. have just jumped in offering up a pair of their very neat enamelled mugs - thx guys.] Money raised will cover dinner costs and go towards future library programming via The Friends of the Somerville Public Library. #winwin

Tuesday, January 29

10E2110: Vermont Open (of Snowboarding)

The Vermont Open (VTO) has been created to take the place of the US Open of Snowboarding (having been moved to Vail this year - from its home at Stratton, VT - further reading). It will be a 3 day tribute to the pioneer days & spirit of snowboarding. This is a chance to ride and compete in retro-style venues and events. [mini pipe? ed.] Come for the weekend and ride with Legends, Pros, Amateurs, Washed Up Pros and long lost friends; + music/parties/old school equipment. All held at Stratton, VT.

Event Shedule:
Rail Jam Friday with Finals Friday Night
Half Pipe Saturday
[Washed Up Cup] Banked Slalom Sunday.
Music all weekend.

Registration to Compete:
$135 includes 3 day lift ticket incl. entry to all contests + entry to all official parties (Welcome Party at Grizzly's Friday / BBQ on Grizzly's Deck Saturday / St Paddy's Day Breakfast Buffet Sunday). Register here.

Plus - in deference to USOpen's past, St Paddy's Day will infact coincide with the events... #alcoholicsaroundvermont

Monday, January 28

10E2109: Ulfur - SO VERY STRANGE

From the forthcoming release White Mountain by Úlfur, "So Very Strange" features vocals by Alexandra Sauser-Monnig of Mountain Man.

10E2108: Giveaway - Woodbuds

UPDATE: Ilyas - you won. Get in touch via email.  UK readers are included here - but US readers can jump in too... Win a pair of Woodbuds earphones, visit their site as below and leave a comment on 10engines stating your color preference. Or RT the link via twitter. Winner will be pulled at 10pmGMT (5pmEST). UK addresses only...

Woodbuds is a small, eco-friendly brand of earbuds, based in the heart of Yorkshire, England. Founded by two friends, Chris and Simon, Woodbuds are "designed to make an impact on you and your music, not our planet." The company is a member of 1% For The Planet, and also plants a tree for every 100 products sold. The wood for the casing is from USA sustainable plantation hardwood left over from furniture creation. Assembled in the UK. 3.5mm jack and 3 sizes of "bud" included for a good fit.

From a WhatHiFi reviewer; "I am comparing against things like my Alessandro MS1 and Shure E2c... For the price these are a nice sounding headphone and they look like they cost significantly more than they actually do." Nae bad...

Thursday, January 24

10E2107: Not Your Grandmother's Library

Big article in the current Stratton magazine (and available online) describing the happy state of several libraries in Vermont that are creating a full community experience as well as fulfilling traditional roles. Of course this does not happen without support (public and/or private), and vocal advocates - so good for them. I happen to have grown up with one of those mentioned, South Londonderry Free Library. Excerpts from the article below.
Vermont’s early settlers brought their muskets and kettles with them, but they also tucked books, especially family Bibles, into their wagons. Reading has always been important to Vermonters. The Green Mountain Boys distributed broadsides and hammered them onto walls, which indicates a literate population, and the newspaper from which the Rutland Herald developed began printing in 1793. 
Fundraising has become a large part of library life. Although most libraries receive some financial support from their towns, it’s not enough to cover all expenses. The Canfield and Pawlet libraries include separate art galleries and the libraries receive a percent of any sale. Raffles, books sales, plant sales, holiday bazaars and special events such as a golf tournament sponsored by the Rupert Library help fill the coffers. 
When I was a child we went to the library every week only to borrow books, quietly. Now, the library is a community center. Even the smallest [libraries] feature events for all ages: story times for preschoolers; reading groups for older children and adults; art, dance, exercise, crafts and yoga classes; discussion groups, lectures and author readings, film screenings and local meetings. 
As Betsy Bleakie of the Mark Skinner reminded me with a smile, “We’re the community living room— we’re not political or religious, we’re open to everyone. It’s not your grandmother’s library any more.”
This happy situation not being played out all over VT though - as evidenced by the recent layoff of the entire St Johnsbury Atheneum staff; further reading. If that link affects you, please have a look at Rural Librarians Unite.

Tuesday, January 22

10E2106: Robert Burns - there's an app for that...

Reblog - but all still holds true... January 25th is earmarked in Scotland as Burns Night, an evening to celebrate the writing and life of poet/bon vivant (and other not as complimentary words depending how you read history) Robert Burns. You may know him from such works as Auld Lang Syne or My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose? Many are impenetrable to non-Scots speakers (or even scotch-speakers an the evening wears on...) Burns Supper is the specific celebratory dinner with readings and a convoluted order of ceremony, but luckily there is an app for that...

2 years ago the Scottish Government made the complete works of Robert Burns available, free of charge, on the iPhone. The app features a searchable database of 558 of Burns' poems and love songs, with a glossary of terms that floats over the poem to help you with the Scots' dialect. There is also a Burns supper guide to help you plan the dinner tonight... Download a copy here.

Burns Night always seems to fall during Sundance week and I can't help but think the Edinburgh International Film Festival is missing out on a HUGE opp' to get screeners and filmmakers onboard... I know EIFF used to send their director to Sundance, just assuming they still do. 2 cents over.

Haggis from McSween's in Edinburgh; gold standard.

The poetry of Burns is all well and good (though Burns only adapted, didn't write the traditional The Selkirk Grace that we love), but any excuse to eat haggis is the real draw for me here. Contrary to the usual BS, haggis is no more formidable that game sausage, or black pudding, i.e. all good stuff.

OK, run that sheep's stomach bit past me again? There cannot be a dish so famously (and completely unfairly IMHO) reviled as haggis... Actual ingredients are sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet and lots of pepper -wrapped in a sheep's stomach as casing, that part is not eaten. Our family trick is to bake it, don’t boil it... Also, a good gravy is a must as it is very oaty/crumbly and needs something to stick with the mashed potatoes.

The other great thing is the day after, you ball-up the leftover haggis and potato and whatever else is left and fry it in a pan. Add a fried egg and it is (whisky) breakfast of champions.

Friday, January 18

10E2105: Danner visits Ball and Buck t'nite

Will be stopping by here early on. In a word though, I freakin love these Danner boots. Wear the hell out of my pair. Danner and Lacrosse have a sale site btw called The Breakroom (invite link) - they had Mnt Lights for $100'odd two months ago. Insane. Sales all different but worth a look.

Anyhow, RSVP for tonight here; get some boots or a 10ExB&B cap - I'll talk your ear off about the library screening of In The Blood coming up.

Thursday, January 17

10E2104: A River Log Drive

"This clip is an excerpt from "Timber on the Move: A History of Log Moving Technology," a documentary film from the Forest History Society"

I'm constantly amazed by the idea of these extinct river drives - when logs floated and sluiced down river in the spring. The sheer volume of wood and manpower (and danger) that was created is staggering - even in this industrialized age as shown here. Take it back to the 1800s and it seems otherworldy.

10E2103: Lookback - Kodachrome Lecture at SPL

A few weeks ago local art lecturers Steve and Amber Tourlentes came in to the Somerville library for the 4th in an ongoing series of general design talks. They spoke about "Kodachrome"; giving a brief lesson on the history and importance of Kodak's Kodachrome film. Was one of the best attended discussions so far. Once again Rough Water Films created a sizzler video of the talk, as above. 

In a few weeks (Feb 9) the library will be screening In The Blood - the river driving/logging doc by Sumner McKane. Social hour after will be in the theme of a camp dinner/bean supper. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, January 16

10E2102: Giveaway - Everest Isles Trunks

"...swimwear designed for the last resort." Great copy.

Everest Isles, based in Newport, RI is creating swim trunks. In a classic style and with strong construction details they are expected to last forever... BTW great name - evocative of far off places but also a bit of adventure. Hat tip. Made in New England from industrial/nautical grade hardware and threads. One back pocket, no exterior labels. For now just the trunks but some more product being introduced this spring so I hear - look forward to it.

They are giving a pair away today to a 10e reader - simply visit their site then leave a first impression comment here on 10engines with your color choice; or RT via twitter. Winner pulled at 5pm EST.  DEREK! You won. Contact me if you haven't already received my email. Congrats.

10E2101: John Deere - The Great American Farmer

"THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER, was a 45 rpm record released by John Deere Co. in 1975 to commemorate the upcoming 200th Anniversary of the U.S. Ralph Harrison wrote and performed the 4 min. 14 sec. song. Total production of the record was around 5,000 (one for every J.D. Dealer)" - via Retired Tractors.
Listen to the song here. Little bit country as you might expect - not bad actually. Tip from reader, Fred. Thx.

John Deere, the man, was born in Rutland, Vermont in 1804; but that fact barely recognized or celebrated by the town until last year when a historic marker went up.

Tuesday, January 15

10E2100: Lookback - Cuppow Spoke at SPL

A few weeks back local creators Josh Resnikoff and Aaron Panone from Cuppow came to the Somerville Public Library and gave an illustrative talk on product creation, business ethics and managing their collaborative relations. Package printer Mike Dacey of Repeat Press/Fringe was also on the panel w/ their illustrator Natalya Zahn in attendance. Following their advice we are releasing this lookback on a Tuesday...

This was the third in a series of Design Talks created by The Friends of the Somerville Public Library, (full disclosure, I helped arrange these starting with Aaron Draplin then Christine 'N'East Style' Mitchell). Social hour afterwards to continue the discussion, thanks to Culinary Cruisers and Q's Nuts.

Def' watch the above clip in HD... Video by the gents from Rough Water Films, thx guys.

Monday, January 14

10E2099: Boston Jubilee Bean Dinner - 1950

At this dinner served on the Boston Common there were 8,000 lbs of beans, 5,000 lbs of ham, 250 pounds of cheese etc. 12,000 people served by 1,000 waitresses - on Sat May 20, 1950.

For an event at the Somerville library in a few weeks there will be a mini version of bean suppah afterwards... 

Wednesday, January 9

10E2098: A Sea Shanty from Tom Waits and Keith Richards

Listen. Yeah, sea shanty.

Shenandoah; a special collaboration between Tom Waits and Keith Richards. Recorded for a new compilation album called Son Of Rogue's Gallery. 

This can't be topped today.

Monday, January 7

10E2097: Harris Tweed by Sally Taylor

Great recent vid here about the weaving of Harris Tweed; touching on island life as well and not too sentimental. We meet some workers in the mill, a darner and a few weavers including Mike Donald of The Harris Tweed Ride fame. With some supreme planning may be visiting these guys in the late summer... 

For those just joining...
“Harris Tweed means a tweed which has been hand woven by the islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides [of Scotland -ed.], finished in the islands of Harris, Lewis, North Uist, Benbecula, South Uist and Barra and their several purtenances [The Outer Hebrides, Scotland] and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.” -via The Harris Tweed Authority
Harris Tweed (or Clo Mhor in Gaelic meaning the big cloth) is the Champagne of tweeds, figuratively and in a legal-ese sense, in that the name can only be used for this specific product that meets the geographical standard as above. Around 95 per cent of Harris Tweed production is from the mills and weavers of Harris Tweed Hebrides (HTH) in Shawbost (on the Isle of Lewis).

10E2096: 10e at Kaufmann Mercantile - Diner Mugs

In diners on the East Coast mugs are usually the coffee-delivery system. Diner mugs are pure Americana, but I got to thinking; what is the genesis of the classic bell shaped diner mug? I did a little digging and wrote a short bit you can read over at Kaufmann Mercantile

Friday, January 4

10E2095: Kindling Quarterly

Simply, Kindling Quarterly is a new magazine for/about fathers... but more than that too I think. The founders David Perez and August Heffner say; "While primarily directed at fathers, Kindling Quarterly appeals to a growing and diverse audience who are interested in creativity, community, and parenting...", and tries to make it as thoughtful as possible. Look forward to seeing these. They even throw in a Mr. Mom article in this one - Sold! Guilty pleasure!

Thursday, January 3

10E2094: British Dimple Mugs

Handles make everything better... these dimpled mugs are more common in England than Scotland and serious oldman-territory, in a good way. Available in packs of 4 for cheap in the UK, they can be had in the US from ThePubShoppe.

"The dimples prevent the glass slipping out of the fingers in a washing-up bowl, and the design of the glass emphasises strength..." - via wiki. This one goes out to those crawling towards the weekend... Terrible!

Photo:  Roll Out the Barrell, BFI