Monday, March 17

10E2339: Digging Clams - on the Damariscotta River, Maine

David Gilbert has been digging clams on the Damariscotta River since he was a kid, but recent ecosystem shifts on the river have swayed him towards harvesting oysters. Produced by Julie Rawe, Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, ©2013
Julie is a radio producer who is leaping into the world of multimedia storytelling after studying at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, in Portland, Maine.
Video above a quick slice of life hit from Salt Institute grad Julie Rawe. #find Have been on a huge clam/oyster kick since for ever really, but in last few months especially looking at the lore of shucking to the various tools used. Infact took a day trip this week to visit the RMurphy Knife factory nearby (photos and report to follow). Great people btw and products incredibly reasonable - go treat yourself.