Anyhow, the picks should probably be made of either leather, cast iron, slate, wood or a combination of the above...
Bisley cups. Nothing says i'm ready to shoot like a swift snort. I have my grandfather's set but you can start the tradition for about 20quid.

Cast iron cricket bootjack. Classic. $20.

The original face-saver from Ursa Major; cedar/mint/lime. Essential kit for bearded types as it also sloughs (right word?) and stops you getting itchy. $28 and lasts several months.
I am late to the party on this beef jerky company Krave. I like saddle leather jerky too but this is like dry slices of steak. Soft. No chemical aftertaste. I ate a bag today for breakfast... And their smaller line available at whole foods also looks pretty snazzy.
Slate coasters. Possibly made of rescued roof slates
from a lumbercamp's chapel in the Green Mountains... Sub$30.

R. Murphy clam knife in Island Creek Oyster orange. $15. No brainer.