Monday, October 4


[Repost from 2009; lynchpin post of 10e...]

A few months back (a lifetime in blog-years [nice -ed.]) AContinuousLean posted Could This Be The Preppiest Movie Ever, citing the modern classic Trading Places. Cracking. I have a stealth pick though for the everyman preppy; Splash. Hear me out...

Morning suit on the beach in Cape Cod (sidenote; landcruiserJeep Honcho? and hey... check the moron twin's maroon rugby), golden fleece at the raquetball club, OCBD's with windbreaker/cord jacket/letterman, then for dinner it is blue blazer and grey flannels. Not bad Mr. Alan Bauer.

Sidenote: this was the first vhs movie we owned (second was Trading Places I think) back when a 'remote' for your vcr was a 6foot cable. I think I can repeat both movies verbatum...