Long/short; an Indian boy in the Canadian wilderness carves an Indian figure in a 12-inch canoe that he names Paddle-to-the-Sea. Wishing that he could undertake a journey to the Atlantic Ocean, the boy sends the toy carving instead. Paddle-to-the-Sea begins on a snow bank near a river that eventually leads him to the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, and finally the Atlantic Ocean. You get the spring thaw, a river drive, saw mills, tricks to remember the shapes of all the Great Lakes, a ride over Niagra Falls...
Each page has about 20-30 lines of text and is faced by Holling's color illustrations. Lots of unintentional learning along the way... great find.

[Update; vintage Paddle-to-the-Sea teaching kit, produced by the Boston Childrens Museum, sent in by Ben Durrell. Wonder what's inside...]