Those cooked rotisserie chickens are just so damn convenient... You can get a nice organicy bird for $10, handfed by moonlight, all that sort of thing. Then you fancy them up on the grill outside; crisp the skin and bingo. Robert is your mother's brother.
Shake a handful of dry herbs over the coals, mmmm. Those are Johnnie Foodmaster's herbs... btw is that a great name or what.
Do take out the wishbone. Kids get a kick out of those. Is that where lucky break comes from?? Course, a few minutes outside also affords the inalienable right of a swift one as well.
If you dump the coagulated chicken fat (yum) over the pieces while on the grill they stay plenty moist, but a little sauce never hurt either. Crushed tomatoes, soy sauce, vinegar, maple syrup, hot sauce, maybe chili/sesame oil; in descending order. Takes an additional 60 seconds.