Really getting late in the year for this but we haven't "walked the fence" yet. That is, to walk round the perimeter of Pops' fence in VT that encloses some horses and fix any posts/loose wires etc.
The kids line called Crew Cuts by JCrew is almost too much... fantastic/insane. Blunnies for kids? Check. Selima avaiators, check. Red chambray? whhhhhhhhhhat. Wouldn't normally buy the boys pre-distressed jeans except these Levis 503s for kids are actually cheaper than the unwashed kind. Crazy. How did you rip those jeans? For once they can truly say barbed wire.
Get your helpers a pair of gloves to feel included and hold the pliers. Don't let them near the devil's rope though... that stuff is pure evil. Found the whistle at Orvis... doesn't everything get better by jamming a compass on there? Yes, yes it does.