Tuesday, August 24

get the pan up to frying speed -gastronauts

Almost a year since British cooking icon Keith Floyd died. He paved the way for not only the idea of the super chef or tv chef but really the personality chef cooking on location with local ingredients and also getting men at home into the kitchen -giving them confidence to crash around the kitchen; frying, chopping and seasoning while having a slurp from the cooking wine. Long sentence.

Would it be a little "fast" to imagine a current guy cooking in a red chambray and cream canvas bow tie... The 80's cookery is slightly dated, that heavily sauced type but it is also about Keith and his efforts to get you jazzed on cooking generally. Clips below are good examples. Been watching these all day...

if you're still with me, further below is part 1/5 of a farewell documentary from last year. A lot of high praise from talking heads and maybe hard to see what the fuss is about from the small clips but give it a chance.