Workwear-y placket tabs and pockets for your dustbowl kid. $9.99 on sale in stores, or order for $13 via GAP. [the real life item is dark-adjusted like above, the website pic seems lighter -ed]
Simple, elegant and about as uncomplicated as coffee can get, these stainless steel brew bars are handmade in Sonoma County, CA from recycled material. -via TruBru.
If you want to cure a hangover, a good old cup of coffee and aspirin really is best, according to a new study from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia [damn me! -ed]. Confirming what many have suspected for years, the research found that the caffeine in coffee and the anti-inflammatory ingredients of aspirin reacted against the chemical compounds of ethanol, or pure alcohol, which – even in small doses – can bring on headaches.
Tim Grattan, who developed the technology for the new paracetamol and caffeine product, Panado Extra Advance, isn't surprised: "There's plenty of clinical evidence that shows caffeine actually speeds up the painkilling properties of various painkillers. In fact, caffeine has played a role in making our new product 37 per cent more tough on pain than ordinary paracetamol tablets."
Drinking lots of coffee can also boost sports performance by as much as 6 per cent – but, critically, only in any activity where muscles are not being worked to the limit, meaning coffee or tea could benefit a long-distance runner but not a sprinter.
-from recent article via TheIndependent
"I can see getting through life without coffee if you don’t have kids, but for us parents, there is no choice.Haha.
It is a steady flow of coffee or death, simple as that."
Kevin (Owen Wilson): I salvaged these timbers from a fisherman's chapel in Nantucket...