Friday, June 28

10E2198: In Praise of LLBean Ducks 2

Mrs. 10e gave me LLBean duck shoes for Father's Day 2 years ago now... and damn me, they are still the greatest thing since sliced bread for $80. Think I've worn them every second day since due to; the mild winter (thick socks) or wet spring (Happy Socks) or even gardening in the summer (no socks). Fan-flippin-tastic. Great for travelling too as you can whip them off going through security. Follow LLs advice and size down. LLBean have reintroduced kids Bean boots this year too btw...

See the "In Praise of... 1" post here.

Thursday, June 27

10E2198: The Day The Crayons Quit - Oliver Jeffers

The Day The Crayons Quit illustrated by 10e fave Oliver Jeffers from a Drew Daywalt story - features letters to a boy (Duncan) from all his overworked crayons. Great idea. Just released today. Which color gets the most pissed I wonder... purple? Underused!

Wednesday, June 26

10E2197: Giveaway - Ursa Major

Giveaway: Ursa Major are creators of healthy, effective, skin care solutions for men - and today they are offering 10e readers a nice grab. Get a three musketeers travel kit as above (includes Fantastic Face WashStellar Shave Cream4-in-1 Essential Face Tonic, Fortifying Face Balm and their new Face Wipes) plus get one of their new t-shirts as below. 

These guys Oliver and Emily of Ursa Major are our northern neighbors in Vermont - met them at the Peru Fair last year so can't be all bad. Hell, Rusty "The Logger" DeWees interviewed them a few weeks back... That Fantastic Face Wash stuff smells like cedar, spearmint, lime, lemon, rosemary, black spruce... because that is what it is. An exfoliating cleanser - really great for beardy types. Amusing instructions; "wash face, neck, and ears", "puts a kick in your step". So good. 

Update - Winner is Matt from Ohio. To win; leave comment below or email me w/ your tshirt color and size preference (more images at UrsaMajorMen)  - will pull a winner at 5pm.  If you would like a larger bottle or a present for someone, go shopping... They offer free shipping on all orders over $50 in the lower 48 plus 2 free samples with every order. Even gift wrap for $2.00. Bingo. Thx!

Tuesday, June 25

10E2196: "little library" in Somerville (MA)

Local news: Produced in association with the Nave Gallery's Phone Art Box project, the Trustees and Friends of the Somerville Public Library have teamed up to create a "little library" in Ball Square, Somerville, MA. By using safety-red paint (#7564) and custom shelving we transformed this disused phone booth - and added plexi door for weatherproofing. It is filled with fiction, non-fiction, children’s literature, and foreign language works to be freely taken and enjoyed by passers-by; no return necessary! Books are restocked each week by the Friends of the Library but visitors are also encouraged to take one - leave one. Couple of signage updates to come, but you can follow restocking updates on twitter @Friends_SPL. Check it out! That’s a library pun folks...

This has been a fun side project for me - and won't get into a discussion here about "oh I thought libraries were more than just books"... simply enjoying this. This is getting used. People are taking the books; have had to reload the thing a few times in past 2 weeks. Been cherry picking the stock to include; Transcendentalist texts, classic sci-fi, wild gardening, Elvis bios etc. You know...

Monday, June 24

10E2195: 'Frogging' via Gray's Sporting Journal

Check the lastest (July, vol. 38) issue of Gray’s Sporting Journal. 10E friend Anna Dibble has an article entitled Frogging about frogging around a certain Vermont pond in the 1970's with her father and pal Shepherd Ogden. (Sidenote, Shep was the founder of The Cook's Garden, a mail order seed company that was an early leader in the marketing of certified organic garden seed - was assimilated with Burpee after his departure...)

Friday, June 21

10E2194: Whole Larder Love was in Somerville this week

Last Monday, Whole Larder Love author Rohan Anderson was guest speaker for a benefit in Somerville to support the Friends of the Library (with which I am heavily involved). Total success I think, thanks in no small part to our presenting sponsor Barbour, and to Flatbread Co. and Spindrift who kept us fed and watered. Bryan from Island Creek Oysters did a great job too - and brought mignonette - yes! Finally, a huge thank you to our volunteers Kim and Meg.

Rohan at the library, with the lead pipe...  #hatgame

The event was at Fringe, tucked away in Union Sq. Rough and woodsy but cleans up nice. Sounds like a few people I know... Photos below by Mike Repeat Press Dacey and Meg Quo Vadis Considine.

Barbour was there with some of their classics on display (too hot out to think about a rewaxing workshop), and sent the 100 attendees home w/ a grab-bag. Thank you CM and the crew.

This was a clean, bright entertainment to quote Bertie Wooster, with Grand Ten's man-Friday Lonnie pouring the mint/elderflower seltzers. Thx bud. #topodesigns #workhorse

Saved for the garden. Use them to make a shell path or crush to add calcium for the soil.

The Friends of the Library provides funds for the popular Museum Passes program, license fees for movie screenings, co-sponsors Somerville Reads and more, so the Library can offer a variety of children's, young adult, and adult programs which range from puppet shows to poetry readings. Think we even had puppets reading poetry once... In all seriousness thanks to all who came out the other night and made this a success - we raised almost $1000 that evening to provide programs, services and materials for the Somerville Library. Even further if you are local and would like to get involved w/ The Friends give me a shout. - James.

Breaking it down... if you read Rohan's blog you may have expected recipes or more of a how-to talk - rather it was more personal, about the catalysts that made him change his lifestyle. Go plant a seed!

 Putting names to faces and paying the bills. I think someone bought my well worn copy by accident... #buell

The circle is complete! Our friend here, Christine N'East Style Mitchell drew this fantastic coat-of-arms for the inside of Rohan's book two years ago, which they then turned into a poster for his book tour, and she was there on the night to sign them - this photo in turn taken by the guy that letterpress printed the posters (Mike Dacey) in his studio about 50 feet away... #gosomerville Frame it and enjoy as a handcranked piece of art or hang it in the workshop as a reminder to take things slow. There are a few left - email myself or Mitchell if interested.

Tuesday, June 18

10E2192: Inside Jaws

Creator Jamie Benning has just released his Inside Jaws filmumentary. Clear your calendar. Forget lunch. 2.5 hours of Jaws minutia. Awesome. If you are an uber-fan wait till June 20 to watch it - that will coincide with the original release date of Jaws... June 20, 1975.
"After 16 months of trawling, reading, spooling, skyping, chatting, interviewing, editing and refining, I am pleased to release Inside Jaws, A Filmumentary (2013). As with my other filmumentaries this is a completely unofficial and non profit making project made with a genuine affection for the film. Enjoy." - Jamie Benning

Vaughn's Anchor Jacket - yup.

Friday, June 14

10E2191: The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy (Comes To An End)

Cornetto are gas-station ice cream cones in the UK. Ok, now read the wiki...
"The Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy (also known as the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy) is a series of comedy films directed by Edgar Wright, written by Wright and Simon Pegg, produced by Nira Park, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost. The films are Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and [upcoming -ed] The World's End
Each film in the trilogy is connected to a Cornetto ice cream flavour – both of the films released to date feature scenes in which one of the main characters purchases a Cornetto of the appropriate flavour. Shaun of the Dead features a red strawberry flavoured Cornetto, which signifies the film's bloody and gory elements..
...Hot Fuzz includes the blue original Cornetto, to signify the police element to the film...
 ...and The World's End will feature the green mint choc-chip flavour. The use of the three flavours/colours of Cornetto is a reference to Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colours film trilogy." [love Kieślowski'. seriously, the Dekalog - watch them. -ed.]

No idea how the alien invasion bit will work out but really looking forward to this... #wordplay #runninggags

10E2190: Insignia Baseball Gloves - Worcester, MA

Too late for Father's Day - maybe Christmas. Personalized baseball gloves created in 10 days - all materials sourced from the USA, made in Worcester, MA. $150 - $300. From Insignia.

Glove Components:
►Steer-hide & Buffalo-hide: Shell and Palm liners - Wisconsin
►Cowhide Binding, piping and finger stalls - Wisconsin
►Laces - Texas and Pennsylvania
►Felts - Illinois
►Labels - Maine
►Palm Paste - Pennsylvania
►Stamping dies - Massachusetts

Glove Care:
►Glove Conditioner - Wisconsin
►Glove conditioner tubes and packaging - Pennsylvania

►Corrugated Boxes - Massachusetts and Wisconsin
►Polybags - Massachusetts
►Heel Cups - Rhode Island
►Hangtags - Arkansas