Chief Brody has a Liberace-esque collection of Baracuta jackets.

Love the mayor's go-to-hell blazer. Chappi' ferry for the win.

Quint rolls with standard issue chambray shirt, wool jacket, tin cloth hat?
His first mate (check the outtakes) killing it with the woody plaid and blaze cap.

You can't bring your own fireworks to 4th of July weekend guy.. this ain't NH!

This is Craig Kingsbury, an islander who helped Spielberg and
Robert Shaw flesh out the Quint character.

Swear that is a Carhartt on the left. Glint on the buttons...
This scene is chock-a-block; matching twill behind,
watchman's cap and calling Russell Athletic on Dreyfuss.

Marled sweater, fishmonger's apron, home brew.
"Here's to swimmin with bowlegged women."

Dreyfuss looking cool for once.

Narragansett. The 'crumple the cup' scene.
The last 3 don't need captions... enjoy.

We lived and worked on the Vineyard one summer, so it is always a nostalgia trip to watch the in-town scenes. There is a great BBC documentary about the making of Jaws that was filmed 10 years ago (In the Teeth of Jaws, can't find a digital copy), it goes deep into the Quint character and Robert Shaw's portrayal. (Shaw reqested a house up-island, and would take a launch round to Edgartown or wherever each day... and summarily polish off a bottle of rum. Breakfast.)