Tuesday, July 13

eventually -the bolthole

Above, the boys' clubhouse from LockStock (1998). In 2006 Paul Smith cheekily nabbed the space on the left (the baddies clubhouse in the film); more diffusiony stuff there than the heavy hitting menswear of his Covent Garden store -he does not miss a trick that guy [nor does Banksy who tagged by the door "this is not a photo opportunity" -ed.] Anyway, love the shambolic-chic (damn, thought i just invented that...) of the LS&2SB bolthole... nautical relics, stolen antiques, lo-fi audio-tech, 60's modern furniture and pony-hides over broken-in leather chairs. I'd put a block and tackle at the peak, but you can imagine the upstairs is wood floored and wide open. You can see Borough Market from here apparently.