Designed by W. Archibald Welden and introduced in 1939, the REVERE copper-bottom stainless steel cooking utensils not only represented great advances in both technical and aesthetic cookware design, but proved to be incredibly durable without being heavy." via Revere Ware. These stainless steel/copper pots are good enough for what we do, and cheap too... V v lucky to have a larger set grandfathered to us.
My mental checklist for any thrift store goes, 1) wool shirts 2) french cuff shirts (easy to spot with their arms hanging so long) 3) blanket lined denim and 4) Revere Ware pots. Bingo. Add some copper cleaner and elbow grease = $2.50 well spent. (before above, after below.) Anyone know what the little numbers by the size measurement mean?? f93 etc... thinking it is related to year produced, emailed them to check. [Update 9/23/09: heard back from WorldKitchenInc. "The number you are referring to is a batch number. This is not the year the vessel was made."]