Iconic work... put it in the dictionary under S for
stone cold classic. Longer bio
here, but in a nutshell illustrator Roger Kastel was working for Bantam when asked to do the
paperback cover for Peter Benchley’s JAWS. Universal Studios purchased the right to use this image as a movie poster for the movie JAWS, and the image has had major legs... (Sly fishhook reference in that J of Jaws I think too.) Roger's other pop-culture claim to fame is the lush Empire Strikes Back poster, version A, dubbed
Gone with the Wind; you can see why below. This print is super collectible as it failed to include Billy Dee Williams who had a contractual right to appear in the poster, which was later
reworked. That was all news to me...

If you never saw the cheeky Jaws/fashion
post from a while back, it may amuse.